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zmhk 2024-08-26
environment_environmental       大家好,我是小编,今天我来给大家讲解一下关于environment的问题。为了让大家更容易理解,我将这个问题进行了归纳整





4.environment 可数吗





       英[?n?va?r?nm?nt] 美[?n?va?r?nm?nt, -?van-]

       n. ? ?环境,外界; 周围,围绕; 工作平台; (运行) 环境;

       [例句]Pupils in our schools are taught in a safe, secure?environment



       n.环境,外界; 周围,围绕; 工作平台; (运行)环境

       1. Outside the protected environment of institutional care he could not survive.


       2. His independence had been forged on the anvil of a harsh environment.


       3. The plans will be examined by EU environment ministers.


       4. I have no doubt that we are polluting the environment beyond redemption.




       Everyone of us should protect the environment.


       I have no English environment. what should I do?


       I have no English environment. What should I do?

       我没有英语环境, 我应该怎么办?

       The environment here is very good and suitable for walking.


       environment variable 环境变量 ; 环境变数 ; 情况变量 ; 访问所有环境变量

       Natural Environment [环境] 自然环境 ; 天然环境 ; 天然情况 ; 自然生态环境

       Environment California 环境·加利福尼亚 ; 加州环境 ; 州环境协会

       ecological environment [环境] 生态环境 ; 环境变迁 ; 生态 ; 也可作为一个术语使用

       Environment Minister 环境部长 ; 环保官员 ; 环境事务大臣

       control environment 控制环境 ; 内控环境 ; 管制环境 ; 适宜环境

       Marketing Environment 营销环境 ; 市场营销环境 ; 行销环境 ; 市场环境

       marine environment [环境] 海洋环境 ; 专业方向有 ; 陆地环境 ; 国际海洋环境

environment 可数吗



       (1)environment variable:环境变量;环境变数;情况变量;访问所有环境变量。

       (2)Natural Environment:自然环境;天然环境;天然情况;自然生态环境。

       (3)Environment California:环境·加利福尼亚;加州环境;州环境协会。

       (4)ecological environment:生态环境;环境变迁;生态;也可作为一个术语使用。

       (5)Marketing Environment:营销环境;市场营销环境;行销环境;市场环境。

       (6)marine environment:海洋环境;专业方向有;陆地环境;国际海洋环境。







       1.Everyone of us should protect the marine environment.


       2.One lesson therefore is to avoid unbalancing the marine environment.


       3.The Coral Sea is a rare example of a marine environment that is thriving.


       4.Richard Benyon,the marine environment minister,said:Our seas are home to some of the most diverse species and habitats in the world and they need just as much protection as our land.


       5.The Hyperbolic Technology And Its Application In The Marine Environment Quality Assessment And Analysis.


       6.Identification Of Sectional Flexural Stiffness For Corroded And Cracked Reinforced Concrete Components In Marine Environment.




       英 [?n?va?r?nm?nt] 美 [?n?va?r?nm?nt, -?va?n-]

       n. 环境,外界;周围,围绕;工作平台;(运行)环境?

       二、复数:? environments?


       1.The twins were separated at birth and brought up in entirely different environments.?


       2.A variety of geological environments are extrusive or intrusive rocks.?


       3.Tower to heaven, earth, water, three differentenvironments on behalf of animals and plants as decoration, creative design, fun.?



       1.Pupils in our schools are taught in a safe, secure environment?


       2.If our environment cools, then messages from the skin alert the body's thermostat.?


       3.The moral characters of men are formed not by heredity but by environment?

       人的道德品质不是遗传的,而是由环境塑造而成。 ?







































































